Tuesday 6 November 2012

Inspiration - The Fuel for Better Living

What is inspiration?, why do I need to be inspired?, how do I get inspired?, how do I inspire people?, these are questions that pops into my head whenever the word Inspiration is mentioned

Inspiration is derived from the word "INSPIRE" which is to fill Oneself or Someone with the urge or ability to do or feel something, especially to do something creative. Inspiration is a great tool towards achieving that great life which at one point or the other we all have envisioned. Inspiration is the force that fuels our passion, inspiration can never be Over Emphasized because it is what drives us to achieve great feats.

There are so many reasons why you need to be inspired. Ever been in a situation where you just feel you are going in circles, stagnant, hopeless and having thoughts of giving up? Inspiration is the best bet for you at that point. Inspiration fuels your drive to rise up again after a great fall, inspiration imbibe in you a greater power, a force to do the extraordinary, inspiration makes you see a mountain out of a mole hill,inspiration influences, stimulates and motivates you. Inspiration fuels our urge for a better life.

How can we get inspired?, I can't happily say "yeah I've  passed a message" to you if I can't tell you how u can be inspired, in the same vein my life won't be fulfilled  If I can't inspire people. Well, from my little life's sojourn I've discovered that inspiration can be gotten from different sources both positive and negative, but I'll focus on the former because its the major reason for my writing this post. Inspiration strikes in many different forms, it could be gotten from Religious books, there's no better source of inspiration than the Bible and the Qur'an, the inspiration gotten from these books gears us towards positive and rightful living. We can also be inspired from peoples stories, people who experienced life's hurdles before us, through the form of tweets, Facebook posts et al, its just a matter of hearing about one person's amazing accomplishment. These are but a few sources of inspiration. It isn't always easy to find inspiration, but you know it when you find it (but if you're looking too hard, you may turn up empty).

Inspiring People should be your ultimate goal once you've been inspired, no man is an island, u can inspire people in one way too many. Caring for people is one great means of inspiring people, People dont care about how much you know, until they know how much you care. When you Lead by example people get inspired, practice what you preach. Say what is on your mind, the person next to you might just be thinking the same but scared or shy to say it out, If you take the risk and say the things others are holding back, you become the glue that brings people together. Try and make people feel good about themselves, try telling people what you like about them, People will rarely remember what you did, but they will always remember how you made them feel, they'll always see you as an inspirational source. Always tell people about your success and failure stories, they'll definitely learn from them.
May This Little Light Of Mine Inspire You, May It Brighten Your Horizon

Get Inspired today and make sure you inspire others, Focus on the positive, be happy with who you are now and let your positivity inspire your Journey into a greater tomorrow

Monday 5 November 2012

A New Day

Ever thought how it would feel like one morning when you open your eyes and realize u are no more mortal, you look down and you find your copy lying lifeless on the bed. Scary yeah?, it dawns on you "This is the end of the road".

Every new day we experience is an opportunity given by our maker to set right yesterday's mistake, correct yesterday's wrong, and rise up from yesterday's failures.
Each new day is a new life which distinguishes animals and plants from inorganic matter, including the capacity for growth, reproduction and being functional.
Each New day presents us with the opportunity to hope again, each new day gives us the feeling that what is wanted can be gotten or that events will turn out for the best.
Each new day gives us the ability to look forward to something with desire and reasonable confidence".
Every New Day is a Gift (Open it Up)

Today is a new day,hope for the best, don't worry about yesterday's problems, because today you just might find your solution, live for today and pray for a better tomorrow.

Today is a new day. Don't let your history or your past interfere with your destiny! Let today be the day you stop being a victim of your circumstances and start taking action towards the life you want. You have the power and the time to shape your life. Break free from the poisonous victim mentality and embrace the truth of your greatness. You were not meant for a mundane or mediocre life!. You cant reach for anything new if your hands are still full of yesterdays junk, forget your past, forgive yourself and begin again.

May Your Day Be As Bright As The Sun!

Thursday 1 November 2012

Failure (Friend Or Foe?)

How do you feel after an exam you weren't sure of? you just have that conviction that you've failed, even before seeing your exam result. A lot of us must have been in that situation. I have been there quite a lot of times, flipping through my life's pages I wonder if failure was my friend or foe, after much thoughts, events and experiences, I came to a final conclusion.

Failure is the state or condition of not meeting a desirable or intended objective. Failure in most cases may be viewed as the opposite of success. Well to me failure is that point where I get to and realize i've not done enough to achieve success. Failure to you might be the end but to another like me it is the beginning of a better result, that you failed in a particular objective doesn't mean you can't make it

Here's the story of Charles Goodyear (The Father of Rubber Products)

Charles Goodyear was a young man from Philadelphia who had a passion for invention, one morning Goodyear walked into the New York retail store of a Rubber company and presented his newly devised valve for preserving Rubber
The manager of the retail store shook his head sadly because his company wasn't in the market for rubber valves, well Goodyear didn't give up on his quest, he pocketed his Valve and went back home. When he got back to philadelphia he was put in jail for debt. That also didn't stop him in his quest, he asked his wife to bring him raw rubber and her rolling pin, there in jail, Goodyear made his first rubber experiments, working on it hour to hour. After he left jail he did a lot of experiments which failed, but that wasn't enough to stop Goodyear from continuing. After five futile years Goodyear was near rock bottom (because he was bankrupt and in debt), his family was hungry,yet he wasn't dissuaded, he lost six out of twelve kids but that didn't stop him,he saw failure as a friend not a foe, at a point Goodyear became very sick but he was still bent on his quest, he sometimes didn't sleep at night because he was scared he was going to die and his secrets die with him. Goodyear achieved great feat later on because even in failure he persevered, "after all failure was my companion" he always said to himself. Today, Charles Goodyear is known to be the Father of Rubber Products With Billion Dollar Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company (The World's Largest Rubber Business) named after him. Life," he wrote, "should not be estimated exclusively by the standard of dollars and cents. I am not disposed to complain that I have planted and others have gathered the fruits. A man has cause for regret only when he sows and no one reaps."

The story of Charles Goodyear should be a perfect example to me and you, when we fail we shouldn't just stop there, we should make failure our friend and see it as a means to achieving greatness. Thomas J. Watson is attributed with saying "If you want to succeed, double your failure rate". Failure gives us another opportunity to try again and make things better, besides a great deal can be learned from things going unexpectedly.

Make failure your friend today and your name will be written in History's Book