Wednesday 31 October 2012

Never Give Up,Never Back Down (Part 1)

Life is a Beautiful Thing Some people Say,Life is Hard others Scream!,well who am I to shove one's view of life down the drain, when its quite obvious every one experiences life in a whole new different way, to one life is filled with a whole lot of goodies,while to the other life is wicked,biased and not worth living.

Few weeks ago a Man Jumped from the 8th floor of the Federal Secretariat Building in Port Harcourt,Rivers State,Nigeria and Died, suicide we all may call it, though the cause of his action is yet to be ascertained. When I got wind of this unusual event, in shock I asked myself why will someone who is not disabled,someone who is healthy decide to end his life in such manner. In sorrow I could hear a voice ask me "Victor Can You Do This?"..and in a quick rush I answered "Hell No! I can't"

I decided to write my Never Give Up,Never Back Down post to save the next person who is thinking of committing suicide,or thinking of giving up. defines giving up as an act of admitting defeat, yielding, surrendering and relinquishing
Why do we give up?,why do we back down?. From life's stories told,movies seen I have come to understand that people give up for different reasons, a quick question tho,before giving up did you ask yourself "is this the best option for me right now, did I give this my all?..well, I'll leave you to answer that.

Here's my story

I was in a terrible situation some years back,where all hope was lost, having gained admission into a higher institution after years of JAMBing n POST UMEing, started school only to be told I couldn't continue because I was deficient in English Language, I was stunned,shocked,battered,confused,frustrated in a nutshell i was Dead Literally. I remember going to see my HOD one early morning, explained to him what I was going through with hope he was going to heed to my cry and extend my result presentation by a year and sign to that effect to enable me continue with my studies,but I got a  shocking reply from him, he was like "Son your are still very young, go and write another jamb and waec and comeback next year" I was astonished at his response, I went home that morning confused, angry at life and in total sadness. I woke up the next morning telling myself I will never write Jamb exam again because I saw myself as a failure, I neva knew that was the worst thing I was doing "seeing myself as a failure", I gave up. I drew a line, "University Education" wasn't my thing. Now the Big Bang!, I got a Call from my Big Sister Chioma Juliet (pinky) one morning and I told her what I have decided to do,she wasn't happy with my decision,she spoke to me for a while listing why I needed a University Education and all that,that I should give it one more try,I gave her a cold answer,told her I was going to try again,and that was it. Few weeks after her call I came across a Motivational Zig Zigler Book, which I read and discovered calling myself a failure n giving up was the wrongest of all things to do, I got to understand that Failure aint a person, failure is a step to achieving that which I desire, to that effect I decided to pick up my shattered pieces and try again,I decided to never say never, I called my Big Sis and told her I was willing to try again,she was happy at my decision, I got a Jamb n WASSCE form, went for my exams,wrote it amidst fears. Well to cut the long story short, I wrote my exams and came out successful, out of over five thousand intending students who sat for Computer Science Department Post UME exams for my school,I was the 8th person on the merit Admission List. I was speechless, I remembered purchasing my Form on the Final day of the form sales,I was successful and I was happy.

From my story I almost backed down, gave up and threw in the towel, which would have been to my own detriment but for the timely effort of My Family, Ziglar's book, Friends and my openness to advice. I wasn't perfect but I knew I could make it, I surrounded myself with the right people who didn't believe in backing down, and it paid off.

My Dearest Friend(s) Reading this, my story may not be catchy to you but I expect it to give u a rethink about life, you can't be successful if you fall and never stand up,you can't make it if you don't try, you can't win the race if you aint in the race,never back down,never give up, the right time to stop trying is never, life is about running after your dream and never backing down or giving up,

To My Male Friends - a man should never back down, a man should stand up to his beliefs or shut up, I believe in falling and rising up again and not giving up

To the the ladies - Be that strong girl that everyone knew would make it through the worst, be that fearless girl, the one who would dare to do anything, be that independent girl who didn't need to rely on anyone but herself to make it, be that girl who never backed down,that girl who never gave up.

A Big thanks to Pinky (Chioma) My Family,Chris,Obie Onugha, Natasha, Zig Ziglar and all others who were part of my success Story


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